When owning a home, it is important to protect all of your assets. Having unforeseen expenses due to loss of any of the larger "white goods" in your home can cause undue stress as well as financial strain. The best way to protect items in your home such as your washer and dryer, refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, air conditioner and more is to have the added layer of protection provided by surge protection.
Two of the most crucial places to install surge protection would be at the meter can and/or at your electrical panel.
The meter can at any residential home is typically the property of the electric company. Make sure to call your electric company first to get approval to install one of these devices. Or better yet, your utility may already provide a surge protection program with the added benefits of an extended warranty for your "white goods".
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Main Power to Home
IE: Electric Meter & Electrical Panel
Surge Protection should be utilized at one or both of the main areas of power for your home - at the meter and/or at the electrical panel.
Residential Air Conditioning Units
AC Units are expensive and
a necessity on hot days. While these units are protected if you have a meter based device, secondary protection is recommended.

Garage Door Opener
While garage door opener motors are protected under the meter based surge protection device, it is recommended that you add a single receptacle point of use device if the unit is plugged into an outlet.
Pool Equipment
IE: Pool Pump, Salt Pump, Heater, Etc.
Pool equipment is expensive and extremely susceptible to surge activity. Meter-Treater has multiple surge protection devices to protect pool equipment.
Additional Garage Applications
IE: Electric Cars
More and more people are purchasing electric cars which require charging stations installed in a homes garage. More information coming soon on surge protection options for
these devices.